All Episodes

Displaying 151 - 163 of 163 in total

Episode 13: Contradictions in this COVID-19 Crisis: Finding Good in the Midst of Crisis

Join me today as I talk about contradictions, inconsistencies, and paradox in these unprecedented times. I will share a story about my grandparents and how they were a...

Episode 12: Shared Vulnerability

In this episode we explore the meaning of shared vulnerability, how to do this work, and tips for making it happen in our personal and professional spaces. I hope you ...

Episode 11: Social Recession?

On this episode, I continue our conversation about COVID-19 and the effects of social distancing. I offer some articles and ideas on practical ways to reduce the adver...

Episode 10: Social Belonging and Social Distance

In today's episode, I talk about the realities of the COVID-19 virus on our feelings of belongingness and what this isolation can do and why it matters. I also talk ab...

Episode 9: What's In Your Bucket?

In this episode, I talk about bucket dipping and bucket filling. If you have not already, please check out my latest blog post ( where I started this...

Episode 8: Setting the Stage: A Theatrical Look at Learning

On this week's episode I will explore setting the stage or the pre-work needed to create climates of belonging. I will share a story or two about how my grandmother kn...

Episode 7: Teacher in the Teaching

On this episode, I will explore the idea of bringing our authentic selves to our work and profession. While I will use the context of teachers and teaching to discuss ...

Episode 6: Belonging as a Goal

In Episode 6 I explore the "prework" needed to create spaces to cultivate belonging, offer strategies to start this process, and talk about the importance of making a ...

Text to Talk (or maybe not)?!

Tell Me This: What assumptions do you make about people in your lives? What stories are you telling yourself about your students, co-workers, friends or neighbors? In ...

It Just Takes Time

On today's episode we will talk about why the simple steps to belonging and community building can be the most difficult. We will examine some of those simple steps an...

Not Who but How

In this week's episode we talk about barriers to belonging, why belonging matters, psychological safety, and how to promote this trust and connections.  Hope you will ...

Fitting in is NOT Belonging

In this episode we explore the definition of belonging, why fitting in is not belonging, and how we can, through small interventions, cultivate belonging and build con...

Listening and Gratitude: First Steps to Cultivate Belonging

Today, in our first episode, I discuss the podcast themes, structure, and my reasons for starting this podcast. During the episode, I take a walk down memory lane and ...