All Episodes
Displaying 31 - 60 of 171 in total
Season 4 - Tell Me This - The Summer Edition
Happy Summer, Everyone!Hope you are well and enjoying some much needed, deserved, and cherished down time.Brianne and I are busy working on our Season 5 line-up. In th...

Season 4: Book Club with Brianne, Carey, and Kate - Emotional Inheritance
Surprise! We decided to offer another episode of book club. Hope you enjoy our conversation.Carey and Brianne

Season 4 - Mixtape Moments: Walk down memory lane, S2 Reflections
Reflections on our podcasts from Season 2.

Season 4 - Final Reflections on the Season
Thanks to everyone for a great season. We want to send a special thank you to all of our guests who showed up for our conversations, shared so much, and taught us so m...

Season 4 - Mixtape Moments: Replaying Episode 2 of the Podcast January 2020
I just could not resist playing episode 2 - let me apologize in advance for the music (pre theme song!!).I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making it!

Season 4 - Mixtape Moments: Replaying Episode 1 of the Podcast January 2020
As Brianne and I start to plan for Season 5 of the pod and wrap up Season 4, we thought it would be fun to take a walk down memory lane. Over the next few weeks, we wi...

Season 4 Tell Me This: Brianne's Thank you note
Hi Everyone! Happy May! We are starting to wind down our fourth season and will be concluding with some reflections, minisodes, and a sneak peak of what is coming in S...

Season 4 Tell Me This, Technology and Belonging
Hi Everyone! Excited to share our conversation with Dr. Marie Heath. Her background in education technology, social studies, and teacher preparation offered new and im...

Season 4 Tell Me This: Life as a Practice
Hi Everyone. Hope you enjoy this minisode where I share a little about what has been swirling around in my own heart and mind. Thanks for listening. Carey

Season 4 Tell Me This: Belonging and How the Importance of Developing Our Human Skills
Hi Everyone! Brianne and I are so excited to welcome Dr. Elizabeth Radday to our podcast. During this conversation we talk about belonging, chemistry projects, craftin...

Season 4 Tell Me This: Short, Belonging to Self
Hi Everyone. Brianne is on a short vacation with family and we had to reschedule a few interviews due to some loud construction noise at my house, so, I decided it mig...

Season 4 Tell Me This: Language of Belonging
Hello Everyone! Brianne and I are thrilled to invite you to a reunion conversation of sorts. Dr. Kristin Barbour and Dr. Paula Clark join us to explore how will talk a...

Season 4 Tell Me This: Belonging, Self-connection, and Calm Nervous Systems
We are so excited to have Taylor Ann Gonzalez on our podcast. Taylor is a certified yoga instructor and performance coach. We had a wonderful conversation about belong...

Season 4 Tell Me This: Holding Space and the Five A's of Relationships
Hello Everyone. We are so excited to welcome back our friend and Brianne's sister-in-law Jessica Anastasio. We have a wonderful conversation about belonging, relations...

Season 4 Tell Me This: Bittersweet Part II
Hello Everyone! Welcome back for Part II of our discussion of Susan Cain's Bittersweet. Kate, Brianne, and I had such a good time talking about bittersweet in our live...

Season 4 Tell Me This: Bittersweet Part I
Hello Everyone! Welcome to our first conversation about Susan Cain's novel, Bittersweet. I hope you enjoy the conversation!! Carey, Brianne, and Kate

Season 4 Tell Me This: Exhaling and Being in Communion with Others
Brianne and I are so thrilled for you to hear a conversation with had with Drs. Cuneo and Bazaz. We explore belonging, community, connection and the role of art, physi...

Season 4 Tell Me This: Music of Belonging
Welcome to another epsisode of Tell Me This. We are so excited to introduce Dr. Mahady to the program. Enjoy our conversation about music, leadership, opera, and traum...

Season 4 Tell Me This: Belonging in Our Foster Familes
Hello Everyone. Welcome to another episode. Brianne and I are so thrilled to welcome Dr. Vicky Garafola. She shares her expertise, personal experiences, and ideas rela...

Season 4 Tell Me This: The Journey of Belongingness
Brianne and I are super excited to share this conversation. I actually talk about how "giddy" I am about this chat and it did not disappointed. I hope you will join us...

Season 4 Tell Me This: Conditions that Help Make Belonging Possible
Hi Everyone. Brianne and I are so excited to introduce Dr. Heather Yuhaniak to the pod. As you will hear from her bio, she is a rockstar - PERIOD! We have a great conv...

Season 4 Tell Me This: Belonging and Potted Plants
So excited for this episode featuring two experts in language learning differences. We talk about the importance of context, language, diversity in communication, and ...

Season 4 Tell Me This: Strength and Joy
Hi Everyone. Here is a short that I hope you will enjoy. Best, Carey

Season 4 Tell Me This: Looking Back and Ahead
Happy New Year, Dear Listeners. We are so excited to bring you the spring episodes of Season 4. I thought we would start the New Year with a Reflection-Short. Enjoy!...